232 Stove Plates

The left and right side of the wall showcase stove plates from the ironworks of the Melchior Wiedergrün von Staufenberg. …
A stove plate with the year 1579 beautifully shows St.George fighting the dragon – permanent loan of the Ritterhausmuseum in Offenburg – the second and larger one by 1560 shows on one side the depiction of Marcus Curtius after a contemporary engraving, the left half probably has a biblical motif which, however, could not be determined exactly until now. This plate comes from the Ritterberg-Hof.
Other stove plates show the motifs “Adam and Eve in Paradise”, “Allied coat of arms of Margrave Ludwig Georg von Baden-Baden and his wife Maria Anna von Schwarzenberg” (1733) and “Joseph explains the dream ‘The Golden Calf’ to Pharaoh”. (1581).
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