263 Staufenberg Castle Window 3

Motif above: Melcher Koch, carpenter and court juror Oppenau with his wife. Headpiece: Adam and Eve at the “Fall of Man” with the apple

Motif centre: Marx Hornner, baker and court twelfth with his wife Margareth in Oppenau, header: Adam ploughs the field, Eve spins

Motif below:Martin Müller, court juror with wife in Oppenau, Headpiece: Noah and the rainbow

Motif above: Inscription above: “Durch falschen list die gifftig Schlang – Die ersten Mensche lei_r zwang.GENE. III”, Inscription below: “Melcher Koch – Gerichtszwelffer ud Ursula sein – hausfraw. 1617.”

Motif centre: Man and woman in 16th century costume. The woman hands the man a cup. The house sign, a pretzel, indicates the baker’s profession. His wife Margareth died on 3 November 1629. Place of production: Strasbourg 1617. Inscription above: “Das Feld baut Adam kömmerlich – Und muß im Schweiß hie . nehren sich. GE . III“, Inscription at the bottom:“Marx Hornner – Gerichtszwelffer and Margreta his – housewife 1617″

Motif below: Man and woman in 16th century costume. The woman hands the man a cup. The house sign, probably a wall hook, suggests a craftsman. Martin Müller was a court judge in Oppenau. He died in January 1636. Made in Strasbourg in 1617; inscription at the top: “Der Regenbogen ward gotts bund , cham sein Vatter bloß ligen fund, GEN IX.”; Inscription at the bottom: “Martin Müller – Grichts zwölfferund Ursula sein – hausfraw. 1617″