500 Distillery and bake house

The distillery and bake house was rebuilt according to patterns that can still be seen several times in the community today. …
Open chimney into which the smoke ducts from the oven, washing kettle and distilling kettle flow.
In Durbach, agriculture in the conventional sense with livestock farming is almost non-existent. Only a few farms in the foothill zone or in the Gebirg district still keep livestock at all. The small-scale structure of the individual arable plots is largely planted with orchards. The fruit is mainly produced for the distillery. Cherries, plums, mirabelles, oat plums, Zibärtle, apples, pears, in the mountains also Rossler (Jerusalem artichoke), are distilled. Originally known as “Trappenschnaps” or “Tresterschnaps”, the schnapps made from the pressed grapes is now also sought after under the French name “Marc”, for example from Riesling and Traminer.
In Durbach, more than 300 severance distilleries are operated. The burning right rests on a house plot, whereby the cultivation of a considerable plot of land is also necessary for the entitlement. The distilling right allows the production of 300 litres of wine spirit per year (equivalent to about 600 litres of schnapps). Because of the ever-growing fruit stock, the distilling rights are hardly sufficient. Substance owners are allowed to produce a maximum of 50 litres of ethyl alcohol per year. Anyone who owns a fruit plant is a fabric owner.
The wine and local history museum also has a small distilling right and usually holds a show distilling on the occasion of the “Burenfeschds” in September. The schnapps obtained is served as a museum drink on suitable occasions. “Kirschwasser” and “Ärberdiddle” are produced in the museum distillery and can also be purchased. For this rare fruit brandy, the Wine and Local History Museum has often even received a gold or silver award from the Small Distillers Association.
The oven is also always in action. In earlier years, bread was kept on the “bread slope” for about two weeks. There is room for about 20 loaves of bread in the oven.