271 Staufenberg Castle Window 11

Motif above: Bearded man in the puffy costume of the second half of the 16th century, a rifle over his shoulder and a cartridge holster, his wife hands him a drinking/wine cup to welcome him. Joachim Ammann is documented as a miller in Aadorf in 1634 together with his wife Anna Peter. In the headpiece: probably the two daughters in bridal jewellery and on the right the mill. Inscription: “Jochem Ammen Müll… To Adorff and An… Beter Sin Ege… Ma Anno Dom… Schärer zu.”

Motif centre:  Andreas Bräm was bailiff with his seat in Knonau Castle. He was appointed by the city of Zurich. Fend (Vent) is a small municipality in Ötztal, Tyrol, at an altitude of 1895 metres and was an independent Swiss municipality until 1854. Vent is now part of the municipality of Sölden in Tyrol. The coat of arms shows a Bram (Brehme) above the Dreiberg and a man with a cap holding two bees in his hand. Inscription: “Andares Bram dieser Zit  Vogt der Herschaft Knonau And Lüdtinandt under the town of Fend 1593″

Motif below: Two lansquenets hold the coat of arms with the double-headed imperial eagle (Habsburg), above it the crown. Below and above the coat of arms (St Fridolin) of the municipality and the canton of Glarus of the same name. Top left Scenes from the life of St Fridolin. Inscription: “Das Löbliche Land Glarus 16 63”

Motif above: Aadorf is a municipality in the canton of Thurgau/Switzerland. There were several Joachim Ammans in the history of the village from the 16th to the 19th century, some of whom were quite wealthy and also ran a mill. This family owned the mill for over 350 years. The pane by the miller Joachim Ammann is listed on p. 41 of Boesch’s book on Winterthur’s glass painters. Boesch has also established that the Jochem Ammen mentioned on the disc lived with his wife Anna Peter in 1634. The mill and 14 other houses also fell victim to the flames in a major fire in 1827.

The Hegli at the foot of the man refers to the Winterthur artist Hans Jegli (Jäggli, 1579-1643). The two coats of arms, on the left on a pedestal with a green tricorn and a white cross, a brown goat, on the right: in the background a female figure, in front of it the blue coat of arms disc with a white house sign.

Motif centre: A drummer and a piper next to the coat of arms disc complete the picture. The “Bräm” shown in the coat of arms is probably intended to represent a “brake” (fly). This Bräm could possibly be seen in connection with the “Bräm” disc donor. In the “Kunstdenkmäler des Großherzogthums Baden” from 1908, however, it is noted that the man with the cap is holding two “bees” in his hand.

Motif below: St Fridolin von Säckingen was a messenger of the faith on the Upper Rhine and founding abbot of a double monastery.