268 Staufenberg Castle Window 8

Motif above: Composite disc, remnant depiction of a banquet, coat of arms disc: bear with golden tree, druid’s foot in blue, around 1600.

Motif centre: Composed of several pieces, half figure of a man in armour, a castle, griffins holding a coat of arms with a brazen serpent on a cross.

Motif below:Round coat of arms disc: on a golden field a blue bar, diagonally to the right, containing three golden fleurs-de-lys; helmet finial: growing man with the same bar. The whole on a damascened ground; origin: probably before 1600.

Motif above: Round disc: Both the left part with the heraldic animal bear with a golden tree on its back and the right part, a druid’s foot in blue (pentagram = star with five points), could not be assigned. The lower part shows a fragmentary depiction of a meal with people in medieval dress. At least this lower part was inserted here from another fragment.

Motif center: While the griffins and the brazen serpent and the year 1586 probably originally formed a unit, the remaining components of the disk, half figure of a man in arms, the castle, a lute player in green, bull’s head (original canton of Uri ?), two bears and two crosses in the coat of arms disk, cross on the left side, are composed of various fragments.

Serpent of brass: According to a story in the Old Testament, God sent serpents among the Israelites as a punishment for their impatience, ingratitude and grumbling after the exodus from Egypt during their wanderings through the desert. Anyone who was bitten by a fiery serpent and looked up to the bronze serpent raised on a pole was healed and allowed to continue living.

Motif below: It was not possible to identify this coat of arms disc.